
Battleships in Legoland

  Security though Software and Hardware Based Modularity Indulge me while I ruminate a bit on the whimsical world of technology, where modularity reigns supreme as the unsung hero of security – think of it as the bunch of individual Legos that are assembled to create your digital Fort Knox.  In both software and hardware […]

Moving to your Pot of Gold: Backpacking and Cyber Security

  As I slogged my way along the North Coast Trail on Vancouver Island, BC, a thought (or many) occurred to me.  Hence this blog post.   The trip was a solo-trip, 8-days with no resupply, active wildlife (bears), a ‘primitive’ trail, a very remote part of the world, and a challenge to me both physically […]

Satisfaction Brought Him Back….

  As the saying goes, “Curiosity killed the Cat, but Satisfaction Brought him Back…” For those of you that know me, I have always been curious.   Some call it a thirst for knowledge though I think it would be more accurate to say I have a craving for new experiences.   Lately, that drive for more […]

Covid and Comcast: The Perfect Hack

  Sometimes, real life shows you the true potential of ‘The Perfect Hack’. Last week, after a trip to San Diego, I woke up with cold like symptoms.  So, I took a Covid test on Wednesday and it was positive.  Fortunately, I am fully boosted so my illness was mild but regardless it was necessary […]