
Ultra-Secure Mobility™: The Three Planks

The Ultra-Secure Mobility™ product has been a market need forever in demand by discerning customers that require a scalable, user friendly, and affordable product. At Cog Systems, the standard by which we measure success in this category of Ultra-Secure Mobility™ rests on three planks that fulfill a combination of the following: 1) high assurance, certified […]

Defence in Depth: How Many Layers is your Cake?

The mobile world today is largely divided into two worlds:  Apple and Android.  While their approach to many things may be different, they do share a common approach to security — think layer cake.  Yes, the one thing that seems to matter most in making a great cake is layers.   Just like your security posture.  […]

Cog Q&A: Gernot Heiser, the Godfather of Modularity

For those of us in the business of devices, Gernot Heiser needs no introduction. But for the rest of you, here’s a summary: Gernot’s primary occupation is leading research in Trustworthy Systems, aiming to make software systems truly trustworthy. He also teaches Advanced Operating Systems at UNSW, which also has its own prize for the […]

WARNING: A Cybersecurity Revolution is Upon Us, With Consumers Taking the Power Seat

The world today has entered into a new era where consumers and enterprise alike have come to expect cyber attacks. However, as attacks become more severe with greater reach, a power shift is occurring among consumers who are losing trust in the enterprise and government to protect their privacy and data. Now, consumers are choosing […]

How to Address Cybersecurity Unforced Errors in 2019

Looking back on the progress that the cybersecurity industry made in 2018, I remain optimistic that advancements will continue over the next year ahead. But there were some big misses that the industry made where we all share some accountability. From my perspective, there were some unforced errors in 2018 that have continued to plague […]